Thursday, October 11, 2007


As a burly, beer-drinking guy, I never thought I would be so excited about an upcoming issue of Brides Magazine. But this is different!

I won first place in the dancing category for a competition held by Brides and WPJA (Wedding Photojournalist Association). An all-Pulitzer-winning panel of judges picked the winning images. I took the photograph on New Year's Eve last year during the wedding reception of Peta and Brian Williams. I saw some amazing moments going on, but I had a dilemma: There was a big mirror in the background and I couldn't keep my big butt out of it to get the shot. So, I held the camera over my head and hoped for the best.

The result:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The image will be featured in the November/December print edition of Brides. I feel all giddy now. I need to go do some man things.



saw your work on osp and LOVED it, so I stopped by to comment because you have mad skills. In a business where photographers blend into each other, you truly have your own style. and apparently you didn't need us to tell you that! WOW!

Shane Snider said...

Thanks so much!

Tim Halberg said...

dude.. freaking sick!! you're rocking the wpja's socks off!!